Redefine your Leadership Identity & Values and lead with more ease, power & conviction


Hi, I’m Cristina!

I wear quite a few hats these days and while I’ve tried to figure out which one is my favorite—the truth is that I enjoy each in its unique way whether it's being an educator, facilitator, coach, consultant, or speaker, I’m here to offer transformation.

I would say that at the heart of my work is a vision in which we all get free; fully embrace our power & walk in our full self-determination, living a life of sovereignty and freeing ourselves of oppressive behaviors and practices.

This has been the vision from Day 1 and it will continue to be as I evolve & continue to move this liberatory body of work forward, contributing to the already existing arena of liberation and transformation work that other leaders, healers & radical culture shifters have so bravely been building on for years.

My Mission

To support visionary leaders transform into the fullest expression of themselves and lead with power and conviction in their leadership and lives.

My Vision

A new cadre of Liberatory Leaders who audaciously lead with their unique leadership identity and voice, fully honor their sovereignty and live into the fullest expression of themselves, freely and unapologetically.

Are you ready to define your leadership identity?

The Liberatory Leadership Lab is a full body immersion into the redefinition of the Leadership space; an embodied and Audacious Leadership in which we position ourselves as the architects and creators of our own Path, integrating our own Value systems, Identities and Frameworks into the way we lead, in our careers and in our lives.

What leaders are saying:

Whatever you are experiencing professionally is usually a reflection of what is going on in your personal life. These issues aren’t separate.

In order for us to see transformation we have to address the whole person, not only their “roles” we play in society.

The beauty of working with me is that you get a thought partner who is also a Social Worker, someone with a background & in-depth understanding at the micro & macro levels. Someone who has organized alongside communities, worked with organizations, and has advocated for systemic issues. I now use all of these skills in working with institutional leaders and entrepreneurs, supporting them with leadership development and helping them strengthen their teams and transform their internal cultures.

I help support leaders to lead with more ease, calm and conviction.

Ready to transform into the Culture Shifter & Conscious Liberatory Leader you are meant to be?

It is possible to lead without compromising ourselves or our values in the process. Unfortunately, old archaic, top-down hierarchical leadership.

You are all there, wanting to show up differently… needing to make a shift. To depart from the old hierarchical forms of leadership that have been passed down to us and instead, be a part of this new Cultural Revolution of Leaders who lead through their Liberatory Values.

Let’s bring more of YOU - radical & transformative leaders - to LIFE!


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